"You can't fool the line on the paper." 7 of my truths about drawing

(reading time 1 min)

Inspired by my current joy in drawing, I'd like to let you know what the act of drawing means to me:

1. drawing tells me exactly where I am right now. It shows me what keeps me busy, whether I'm tense inside, whether I trust myself right now, whether I tend to bend myself or others/others into shape.

2. Drawing demands total authenticity from me, every millisecond. Drawn is drawn, the lines are on the paper. Nothing is corrected, erased, painted over. If I wanted to correct something, it would be obvious afterwards. It is noticeable, even to me.

3. Drawing is for me creating, analyzing and transforming at once and in real time.

4. There are days when it is difficult for me, but I have learned not to give my mind a chance to think about what I am doing when I draw.

5. I feel how drawing frees me from myself.

6. I have also learned to appreciate these strange shapes that I draw. I don't care what others may judge about them. They exist in a paradox of love I feel for them and distance with which I regard them. I not infrequently wonder at them myself.

7. It's not about beauty, it's about truthfulness.

Thank you for your time!

From the bottom of my heart
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1 comment

Ich weiß nicht, was es ist, irgendwie nehmen mich die Worte gefangen… verrücktes, entrücktes, seltsames, verzauberndes Wesen.


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